1. Information You Provide

    When you visit our Services, you may provide us with certain personal information, such as your name, address, phone number, email address, personal preferences, payment card number, purchase and ordering information, demographic information, responses to survey questions, questions and inquiries, and any other information you choose to provide. Our Services may also give you the option to upload or share pictures or videos of yourself and others.

    We collect this information at various places on our Services, such as when you check out with your online order; communicate with our chatbot; engage with our mobile applications; subscribe to email offers and mobile messaging offers; participate in surveys; enter contests or sweepstakes; or interact with special-event or program offers.

    We may also collect information that you provide on our Services about people you know. For example, we collect your gift recipient's contact information to process your gift orders.

  2. Information Your Devices Provide Automatically

    When you interact with our Services, we obtain certain information by automated means, including the following:

    1. a. Geolocation Information

      We may obtain information about your approximate and precise geolocation when you access or use our Services: for example, via your browser information and other similar device or browser attributes (like IP address), our store locator page, or our mobile applications.

    2. b. Navigational Information

      When you access our Services, your computer, phone, or other device may provide navigational information, such as browser type and version, service-provider identification, IP address, the site or online service from which you came, and the site or online service to which you navigate.

    3. c. Device Information

      We also may obtain information about the computer or mobile device you use to access our Services, such as the hardware model, operating system and version, identification numbers assigned to your mobile device, such as the ID for Advertising (IDFA) on Apple devices, and the Advertising ID on Android devices, mobile network information, and website or app usage behavior.

    4. d. Cookies, Clear Gifs, Analytics Services, and Similar Technologies

      To better understand how you interact with our Services, we may collect information using cookies, analytics services (such as session replay software), and other similar technologies.

      A cookie is a text file with small amount of data that is stored by your browser on your device. It's used to do things like see how you navigate our Services and what you click on; remember you and your online purchases when you return; and recognize you and honor a special deal for you when you redeem one of our offers from a third party’s site. This helps us improve and deliver our Services, provide better customer service, tailor and improve your online experience, and tailor offers to you based on your unique tastes and a combination of your online and offline (e.g., in-store) interactions and purchase history.

      To facilitate our Services, we enable our third-party service providers to be part of your communications and interactive experiences with us. When you interact or communicate with us, you are also interacting and communicating with or through our third-party service providers and their technologies (session replay, for example). These technologies, illustrated above, may be used to help us understand which of our interactive experiences online users like most. Cookies, clear gifs, session replay services, and other similar technologies also allow us to associate your online navigational information and purchases and interactions (both online and offline) with personal information you provide (such as name, address, phone number, survey responses, and email address). We may associate this information to deliver products and services to you; improve our business; transact business; recognize other devices within your household; and market our products and services on this and other online services through a variety of media like email, mobile advertising, direct mail, and social media.

  3. Information Derived Through or Provided by Others

    Affiliated entities, sister brands, vendors, social media networks, and advertising networks may provide us with, or supplement, information about you. We may use this information for a variety of operational or marketing purposes, such as to correct shipping information, market to you, deliver more relevant offers through customer insights, improve our business, and transact business.

  4. Third-Party Analytics and Personalization Services

    We may use third-party analytics services to analyze site metrics and performance, analyze our visitors' preferences, address technical issues, optimize our Services for better user experiences, and serve personalized content to you through the use of some or all of the technologies described above, such as cookies, session replay software, and other similar technologies.

  5. How We Use the Information We Obtain

    We use the personal information we obtain through the Services to:

    1. deliver our Services;
    2. process your online orders;
    3. facilitate payment and transactions;
    4. create and manage your online account;
    5. personalize your online experience with content and offers that are tailored to your interests;
    6. provide customer service and respond to your inquiries and requests;
    7. include you in surveys and contests;
    8. enable you to post your content, such as comments, images or videos;
    9. facilitate networks of online social activity centered around our products and services;
    10. improve our Services, the manner in which offers are made on our Services, and the interactions and experience visitors have with our Services;
    11. enable you to interact with third-party content service providers, whether by linking to their sites, viewing their content within our online environment, or by viewing our content within their online environment;
    12. market our products and services that may be of interest to you;
    13. create aggregated, permanently de-identified, or anonymized information for statistical purposes, which we will maintain and use in a non-individually identifiable form and will not attempt to re-identify the data; and
    14. administer technology and ensure technology integrity (including, for example, by maintaining and improving networks; and identifying and fixing problems).